UPDATE 2.0 - Thanks so much to the Liberal Avenger and his buddies for sending so many people to my blog! Celebrate diversity, guys! I can recommend some great websites: Emperor Misha's place, Barking Moonbats, Rightwingsparkle, Froggy Ruminations, and the Patriette, just for starters....
Go to We're Not Sorry and show how proud you are that George W. Bush is our President. This is a website countering the Sorry Everybody wussies.
Here's my picture that I submitted to We're Not Sorry:
WoooHoooo! God bless the USA!
Now go tell the world that you're not sorry, either.....
UPDATE: I'm on page eight..... (Update 2.1 - Apparently, they're getting so many hits, it's really difficult to even view the site. Bummer.)
You go girl!!!
Posted by: Katreena | November 10, 2004 at 11:26 PM
Hehe! Thanks...
Actually, I am sorry for one thing: after looking at some of the photos posted, I wish I'd been holding my Beretta 9mm pistol.....
Posted by: Romeocat | November 11, 2004 at 10:35 AM
Ahhhhh! my first deleted comment! How exciting!
As my momma used to say, "If you can't say something constructive, don't say anything at all.
Posted by: malicious gaper | November 14, 2004 at 02:27 AM
Was it my comment? I have forgotten already.
Posted by: The Liberal Avenger | November 16, 2004 at 01:13 AM
The parents of our dead soldiers thank you too!
Posted by: Ol'Froth | November 16, 2004 at 12:04 PM
Your blog, you win ;)
As gracious a response as I could wish for. Thanks, MG. Ban lifted.
People, I don't mind at all if you disagree with me, just use reason! I'm willing to learn from everyone. We may end up agreeing to disagree, but we may end up understanding each other better, and becoming friends.
Posted by: malicious gaper | November 16, 2004 at 12:58 PM
www.I don't think sothesouth.com
You want to comment on my blog? Fine. You will keep it clean, and you will keep it rational. If you want to convince me you are right in your world view, spouting invectives wil not get the job done.
Posted by: none | November 17, 2004 at 03:45 PM
To Bad Freedom of Speech isn't observed everywhere in America.
Posted by: jtintle | November 17, 2004 at 04:51 PM
Yup. Too bad I have the right to guard my property.
It's obvious the website he meant. But as I said, no invective, and rational discussion are the rules. MY blog, MY rules. I'm not telling you how to run yours, don't tell me how to run mine.
Posted by: Romeocat | November 17, 2004 at 05:13 PM
Posted by: The Liberal Avenger | November 17, 2004 at 06:47 PM
Anyway, I'm glad people like you have a site to show off how proud you are of this president. Too bad its run as well as the Presidents war.
Posted by: jtintle | November 17, 2004 at 07:53 PM
Let me get this straight. You're being harassed and trolled for wanting more dead terrorists? Nevermind, forgot the other crowd, sorry.
It's her blog and her rules, kids. Other blogs have their own rules for commenting including many on your side of the aisle. If you don't want to respect the house, don't expect to stay. Rule goes for both conservatives and liberals. Asking to refrain from cursing and disrespect isn't a tall order, people.
Posted by: Elric | November 17, 2004 at 09:26 PM
Liberals are not capable of responding to someone with whom they disagree without disrespectful, vulgarity-laced ad hominems.
I wish they would secede already. Then, we could invade, annex and deport.
Posted by: FP | November 17, 2004 at 10:20 PM
Well, fine. Do you know how many times I have heard, "you know your friend SO-AND-SO got wounded in Iraq" or "I'm sorry to tell you So-and-So got killed while serving in Iraq" These people were friends of mine. People who I met while I served. But 4 more years of killing terrorists is just great for you, but for me, this Iraq War has been wrong from the begining. Why did we go after Saddam Hussein before we captured bin Laden? Why did we go in when we were suppling 90% of the troops and funding? Why did people think it was going to be a quick war before it started? And the main point, isn't what is happening now the reason George Bush(the 1st one) didn't head to Bagdag during the Persian Gulf War? So go ahead and talk about killing terrorists.
Posted by: jtintle | November 18, 2004 at 01:31 AM
Ah! Something that has some thought behind it posted by my loyal opposition!
jtintle - I completely agree that Bush 1 ought to have driven straight through downtown Bhagdad. Frankly, it's my opinion that Saddam Hussein's lifeline is about 12 years too long. We're in agreement. See, that wasn't too painful, was it?
Second, as to why people thought it was going to be a "quick" war, well, maybe because they wanted it to be one? Dub-ya never said that. If you disagree with that, the only thing that will convince me is a specific and documented quote from him or one of his staff that I can go check.
Third, why did we get Saddam before bin Laden? Well, think about it. Hussein was ruling his country: he had to be visible and accessible (in some way) to do so. Bin Laden, however, lives to be invisible, and his whole organization is set up on either suiciding or on avoiding everyone who is trying to track them down and kill them. One might, if one were to compare apples and oranges, wonder why the terrorists chop the heads off innocent civilians, instead of chopping the heads off of our military personnel: "soft target" vs. "hard target."
You notice, however, bin Laden has been pretty courteous - for him - of late? He's too busy hiding his sorry-rear-end from getting shot to pieces.
As for the losses of your friends and acquaintances, I am truly, deeply sorry. However, can you recall talking to them at any time about their jobs? Did they tell you they were forced into the military? Were they proud of the job they held? What was their attitude toward the war? If they died doing something they felt was the right thing to do, yes, it's terribly hard and sad for you and their families. But you should take some comfort in that they died doing something they believed in.
I thank God every day for the honor and sacrifice our military forces give to our country. Without these brave men and women, America would neverbe the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
Posted by: Romeocat | November 18, 2004 at 07:15 AM
I just wish that all of you, including ole Dubya, could actually be IN Iraq fighting this war. All you ever do is yack yack yack about how bad terrorist are. O.K. Join the Army if ur so proud to be American and agree so much with Bush's warmongering!!!!! I am unfortunately an american soldier. something that used to mean something. I've now been in Iraq for almost a year and although there are some who do want us here the MAJORITY don't!! What about THAT majority. Who cares right? There not American. NOT fit enough to make decisions on their own. So are u also not sorry for starting a war over OIL? HMMM I wonder. What happened to the so-called weapons of mass destruction? SADDAM NEVER HAD ANY U MORONS!!! The worst he had was some limited chemical weapons capablities and that was EXTREMELY limited!!! Bush is going to continue to ruin America by plunging us further into debt and increasingly turning the entire world against us. I say again, if ur so damned proud of havin ole dubya back in office. JOIN THE ARMY, HE (BUSH) WANTS U TO (DO HIS DIRTY WORK) KILL TERRORISTS!!!
Posted by: rob | November 21, 2004 at 08:55 PM
to romeo: it is a very sad situation but I know that close to 60-70% of the Army DIDN'T join because of some patriotic duty! many people didn't have many options. hmm i wonder why? and it isn't because of education so don't even think about trying that route. the military is quite simple the easiest job u can get (until u get deployed fighting a war on terrorism (for oil) and u die fighting for us oh so wonderful country. *tear* would i live anywhere else? no. but i've been seriously contemplating it. i may just stay in europe until bush gets out.
speaking of the land of the free. what country/entity actually poses that much of a threat to the continental U.S. that we would no longer be the land of the free? short of 9/11 when has anyone posed a LEGITIMATE threat to our nation? we (the military, NOT YOU) take over nations at the whim of our president and for wut? to fight terrorism? saddam had nothing to do with bin laden or al qaeda. the 2 don't even like each other!!!! you're the one speaking of using rational arguments yet u lack it yourself in ur jingoism!!!
Posted by: rob | November 21, 2004 at 09:10 PM
Rob, I'm 41. If I could be there, supporting the troops personally, I would. However, the military won't take me, and Darling Husband is finishing his 20 in the Navy.
If the war was over oil, why did prices rise before the war, and are now falling? That's pretty stupid strategy. And that's just ONE of your "points."
If you are indeed a soldier, you represent a minority in the service. This is not to say that there are soldiers who disagree with the CinC. But those who disagree that I've seen are far more coherant than you.
Therefore, your tantrum does not lead me to believe that you are a member of our honorable, disciplined and mature armed forces. The men and women I've encountered - even those who disagree with this war - exhibit a level of intelligence and rationality that you do not.
Don't forget the Rules of the Realm(tm). If you want to convince me you are right, go look them up right here:
CatHouse Chat: Chatting in the CatHouse I am not convinced at all that your statements are truthful and realistic.
So, in my opinion, you're a troll, and just a little off balance. Take your Prozac, darling, and go to bed. It will be better in the morning.
Posted by: Romeocat | November 21, 2004 at 09:14 PM