The EtherPundit posted a little article, Feminism, or a return to Victorian stereotypes?, about the little hissy-fit by feminist Nancy Hopkins threw the other day.
Remember it?
The Washington Post reported on an economic conference where "Harvard President Lawrence H. Summers prompted criticism for suggesting that innate differences between the sexes could help explain why fewer women succeed in science and math careers."
Apparently, Ms. Hopkins, according to BBC News, "...was one of the academics who walked out of the conference. She said that, had she not done so, she 'would have either blacked out or thrown up'."
Oh, what tripe. Get over it, honey! As the EtherPundit so rightly puts it:
Dear lord in heaven, this woman expresses herself in prose torn from the pages of a drugstore romance novel. "At last, my dear lady," the pirate king spat, "I'm going to show you a woman's place on my ship!" As he approached like a prowling leopard, his torn shirt revealing his rippling, dusky chest, I felt I was going to be sick... My heart was pounding and my breath was shallow as he roughly tore my bodice, enfolding me in the strong arms I had struggled so not to desire..."
I don't think that anyone has commented so astutely!
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