Do you read a lot of books? Do you give a lot away? I do. I go through paperbacks like crazy (well, less now that I've been hit by the blogging bug...), and I frequently leave them behind in hotels and airports when I'm done
I recently came across a service-club-community called Book, which is a freebie. You register and log in your books. Each book receives a "Book Crossing ID" (BCID) that you put inside the book's front cover, along with simple instructions for the next reader. Then, you just "release" it into the wild.
Book Crossing offers, for a nominal fee, some registration kits which include bookmarks, bookplates, sticky notes, and a stamp that together explain the idea for the next reader.
Once someone picks the book up, they log on to Book (they don't need to set up an account), and put an entry into the book's journal. Where did they find it? Did they like the book? What did they do with it next?
All in all, I rather like the idea, so I've signed up - under "Romeocat," of course.
Go check it out.
hm. It would certainly be karmic justice for me to do that. I'm on the Wanted: Dead or Alive list for just about every library in every city I've lived in. It seems that libraries actually want their books back after a while...
Posted by: the Humble Devildog | February 09, 2005 at 10:55 PM
LC HDD! Welcome, and thank you.
Yeah, I hear you, but my problem isn't the libraries. I never have the patience to go there and sometimes wait for the book I want (not often).
I want to ooze through a good bookstore, fondle the merchandise, peruse its pages, and take it home forever! Or, at least until I'm done with it.
My problem is blowing the budget! ::grin::
Posted by: Romeocat | February 09, 2005 at 10:59 PM