Varifrank has a very frank answer - and a real one: Guantanamo in Perspective. He concludes:
When someone talks to you about torture at Guantanamo, try to remember that the worst form of torture for the detainees in Guantanamo is the idea that someday they might be given back to their country of origin, not that they are getting rice pilaf and orange chicken thrice weekly in Cuba.
Because of the reserve of the President and the actions of Secretary Rumsfeld, your life will go on pretty much as it always has, despite our being at war. The efforts of the Jihadis to take the world back to the enslavement of the 11th century Caliphate is ending. Slowly, with fits and starts, but it is already on its way to the grave.
Not in spite of Guantanamo and Camp X-ray, but because of it.
I Thank God for the service of men and women who work at Camp X-ray. I Thank God for Guantanamo.
May the day when Camp X-ray is no longer needed come as soon as possible, but let us not close the camp one day before the job is done.
We were careless once, and thousands of people died. Let us not make the same mistake again. (large type mine)
As the saying goes: go read the whole thing.
Gee... for someone who's on the road and off the net, you sure are on top of things here.
How many more great posts do you have up your sleeve while ostensibly "on the road"?
Pics of travel, please. (Some of us don't get out all that much any more. *VBG*)
(On the flip side, *I* just made what may just be my first submission to the Bonfire of the Vanities... Probably the most embarassingly bad post I've made to date. Luckily, not here! *LOL*)
Posted by: David | June 15, 2005 at 09:36 AM
LOL - Dear, dear man - we're still "camped out" at the house. Carpet gets ripped out today, and the cutting in for the interior paint job starts as well. We have a whole bunch of knick-knacky things that need to be done: wash and seal the two decks, minor repairs, etc...
I'm hoping that next week Wednesday we'll be on the way to the new place. Of course, we have a few trailer-loads to bring out, so we still have some round-trips in our future.
As for the travelling, we're doing that next month!
[and I'm still astonished that I have Internet here at home! YAY!]
Posted by: Romeocat | June 15, 2005 at 09:51 AM