Yes, I'm home! I have my stuff (now, I've gotta shoehorn all this stuff in...), and I have broadband access on my computer with all my bells-and-whistles! Hooray!
Smudge was having a grand old time welcoming me back this morning, and she expresses my delight at returning so well, that I thought I'd let her "speak" for me (pics below the fold).
Now, don't forget to stop by the Modulator for this week's Friday Ark, and the Carnival of the Cats will be hosted by Running Scared. I'll put the link for CotC up on Sunday, after Running Scared posts it. (UPDATE - Link is right here! Thanks, Jazz, for hosting; it looks great!)
On to the "pitty-white-purr, 'Mudgie the Magnificent"...
She was just in ecstasies having her tummy rubbed this morning. Oh, and these pics are fresh off the press: I've put them up here within 15 minutes of taking them, LOL!
Oooohhhh, Mommy! Right there, that feels so good! Nummy!
I'm just too cute for the room - and I'm getting a marvellous tummy rub! Can life get better than this?
Well, 'Mudgie, I don't think so! You know, in my "next life," I'm going to come back as one of my cats...
Anyway, that's all for now. Enjoy the Ark, and the Carnival of the Cats, and please feel free to look around here in my little demensne. Have a great weekend!
It has been my observation that whenever a kitty will allow its "owner" (who owns whom is always debatable) to give it a tummy rub, there are serious levels of trust established between cat and human. My two kitties like their rubs too, but not everybody can get the kitties to trust them enough to allow it. Fortunately, they trust me so they get plenty of tummy rubs.
Posted by: Reverend Scaramonga | August 28, 2005 at 01:24 PM