I've been crawling a lot of the digital scrapbooking sites recently, mainly because I like the idea of doing it ALL on my laptop without the annoying little clippings and leftovers of doing scrapping "for real." Of course, I'm seeing a lot of Photoshop/Photoshop Elements yadda as a platform for putting it all together.
I'm really looking at Elements, because it appears so much easier than Photoshop, but I really cannot justify the added expense. If I really sat down and learned PShop... *sigh* After all, I "fixed" this photo with only minimal tweaking!
Here's the original:
And I cropped it and adjusted it until it now looks like this:
Cool, huh?
way cool
Posted by: Jane | June 01, 2006 at 09:19 PM
You should give lessons - that looks great!
Posted by: Beth Donovan | June 01, 2006 at 09:28 PM
Me? Give lessons???!!!
Beth, I was just playing and finding out "What the heck does THIS button do??"
Believe me, I'm flattered... But I am definitely still a PShop MORON!!!
Nevertheless, I am very greatful for the very kind compliment... ;-)
-- R'cat
Posted by: Romeocat | June 01, 2006 at 09:42 PM
The following comment was intended for here, but I put it up at the shot of the beer bust (literally) accidently
Blog Sister, I have both photoshop elements and CS2 and I love them both... elements is a little more user friendly but it cannot do all the things CS2 will do.
On the other hand, unless you are a pro photographer, elements is usually all that you would need.
CS2 was a gift and I would never have spent 800 bucks on it. I did buy elements and I don't regret it one darned bit. I have saved a number of photos that would not have been savable without the extra tweaking in both programs. One "restoration" shot I saved with CS2 that would have been lost forever but with CS2, I have a memory worth more than what I would have paid for the CS2 had it not been a gift.
Cheers and go for the elements... you do enough photos and you're danged good at it to make the elements worth it.
Posted by: GM Roper | June 01, 2006 at 10:02 PM