Well, here I am after a busy day getting here to Martinsville, meeting up with Alton and Kilo, giving and getting hugs. I got settled in, changed for dinner, and then it was off to the Chatmoss Country Club for a delicious dinner. This is a smaller conference - for now! - than Sorenson was, but...
- Brian Patton's here,
- so is Flora McDonald,
- Jim Hoeft,
- Jerry Furman,
- Norm Leahy,
- BadRose
- Ben Tribbit,
- Virginia Centrist (yes, I know his name, but it's not on his blog, so I'm not publishing it),
- Steve Sisson,
- Will Vehrs,
- Josh C. from Raising Kaine,
- a lady from Virginia Beach Dems (to whom I *did* introduce myself, but I forgot her name - is it indeed Eileen? - I'll have to write it down tomorrow so I remember [rolls eyes at self]),
- Republitarian
- Chris Green
- Greg Letiecq
... oh, I know I forgot several people! Hopefully, I'll get some soundbytes for them pimping their blogs for the Virginia Blog Carnival on Monday. Speaking of the VBC, I was able to hand out several flyers to promote it - including to Lt. Gov. Bolling and his aide! - so I'm hoping for a jump in participation. I'll hand out more tomorrow...
Alton had honored me by requesting that I give the invocation, and then Will Vehrs got up and displayed his acute sense of humor. He presented Alton with the beautiful wall-hanging that the Red Queen made. RQ, of course, came all the way down from Pennsylvania for this, and I am so gratified that she was able to spend a couple days with me before we came over for the conference.
Lt. Gov. Bolling was introduced by Barnie Day, and spoke well. He also granted me a brief interview just before he left (very brief, and NOT on politics, LOL), but I'll write that post up tomorrow, 'cause it's almost midnight, and I'm TIRED!!!
So far, it's been lots of fun - kinda sorry I didn't stay longer at the Pajama Party - and tomorrow will be full of interesting people and subjects. THerefore, I'm signing off, and I'll see y'all tomorrow!
Technorati Tags: Blogs United, Martinsville, Virginia, Virginia politics, Lt. Gov. Bolling, Virginia Blog Carnival
It sounds like a great conference, Kat! Hope you have a great time!
Posted by: Beth | August 26, 2006 at 04:43 PM
It was great to meet you this weekend, Kat! I had a great time and am sorry I couldn't stay for the get together this evening.
Posted by: f mcdonald | August 26, 2006 at 11:09 PM
Sorry I can't be there, but I'd certainly appreciate it if you'd tell the bloggers I know 'hello' for me. (i.e., those we met at the last bloggers confab) I'd really like to meet them again, and talk politics more than I was able to last time.
My best to all...
Posted by: Jon Henke | August 26, 2006 at 11:19 PM
It was great to meet you and get a better understanding of what this cathouse thing is all about. I had though these weren't legal in Virginia, but it's nice to get the straight poop right from the source. ;)
By the way, with all of these little legal things happening you may have missed out on the URL change for BVBL. We're at http://www.bvbl.net now, and the old URL at blogspot is now a japanese plastic surgery website. I don't know how many of your readers understand japanese, but those who don't will be awfully confused. Those who do will REALLY be confused.
All kidding aside, it was a real pleasure to meet you, and I was happy to share a table with you at dinner on Friday as well as at the conference. Hope to run into you again at one of these soon!
Posted by: Greg L | August 26, 2006 at 11:44 PM