BOHICA, folks - our Demoratic Congress is gonna screw our troops again. Even after they said all this... Now, admittedly, the spineless Rethuglicans are being, well, spineless as well.
Well, folks, the citizens of this fading country may be getting the leaders we deserve, but our troops are going to be the ones who pay for it. God, help them and protect them - please!
I could be wrong (please feel free to correct me), but my understanding is that the Democrats did propose a bill that included funding for the troops. The problem for Bush is that it also includes a timetable for withdrawal that he doesn't want and therefore has threatened to veto.
That means *the President* is now threatening to "withhold" funds, as it were. The money is there for him - all he has to do is sign the bill.
Posted by: Billy Joe | April 04, 2007 at 09:52 PM
Ah, the timetable for withdrawal...
OK, per your request in a more recent post, I'll address it:
1) constitutionally, the President is Commander in Chief, not Congress;
2) it is terribly poor strategy (worse even than the arguably poor strategy this administration has) to tell the snakes when you're leaving. All they then need to do is hunker down and wait you out. No. Better to go in, root them all out, and exterminate them;
3) IMO - and in many others' - this is simply an appeasement tactic on the demorats' part, and a blaring neon sign, flashing "AMERICA IS WEAK! ATTACK NOW!!" to our enemies;
and 4) you're in Japan... why the heck are you so worried? Are you an ex-pat? Are you a servicemember stationed in Japan? What's your interest in America's affairs?
-- Kat
Posted by: Kat | April 05, 2007 at 07:40 PM
I'm an American, that's why I'm interested.
Congress makes the laws and budgets. We have a system of co-equal branches (checks & balances), so while Bush is the Commander-in-Chief (or at least plays one on TV), he also has to respect their role.
Why did Bush announce the troop escalation? Wouldn't it have been smarter to secretly build up troop levels so that he could suddenly overwhelm the enemy when they weren't expecting anything? It seems like he's guilty of giving away our battle plan? Remember - he announced it; it wasn't leaked.
Posted by: billy joe | April 05, 2007 at 08:25 PM
Why did Bush announce his plans? Clearly you're not very familiar with today's American political scene. In today's political world, Democrats exist to destroy the President in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely serious. They get up each and every morning and say to themselves, "How can I bring down Bush today?"
ANYTHING Bush does is going to be criticized. If he had actually not announced his plans, there'd be the media and Democrats (one and the same) screaming for his head for having "Secret" meetings.
The Democrats are not in charge of the military, and that bothers them to no end.
Posted by: Ogre | April 06, 2007 at 11:22 AM
Why are you cutting and running from answering the my question about Bush revealing his battleplans to the enemy?
Cat got your tongue?
Posted by: billy joe | April 06, 2007 at 09:34 PM
Cut and run? I don't think so. I do happen to have some friends who help watch out for things when I'm busy , and I'm satisfied with their comments.
Plus, when guests like you start trying to get smart, I'm more inclined to offer you an invitation to the world than attempt to wrest you out of your mindset. "Cat got your tongue?" Oh, please, that doesn't even have the charm of originality!
Now, I've got other things to do to prepare for this weekend, so I'll wish you a blessed Easter and leave it at that.
-- Kat
Posted by: Kat | April 06, 2007 at 10:31 PM
Hey billy joe, President Bush announcing the surge had a great side effect of getting a lot of those islamoturds to run out of iraq, including sadr, who ran to iran so fast it took his stench a day to catch up to him.
President Bush saying he is sending more troops is not revealing battle plans. That analogy s akin to stating that cops are going to patrol a neighborhood more frequently and then having someone claim that the announcement is giving away when they will raid a crack house.
Are you really so stupid as to believe that President Bush announcing a surge actually gave away any battle plans? If so please stay in japan and become a citizen there....we already have enough idiots here.
Posted by: kender | April 06, 2007 at 11:44 PM
Stupidity seems to be a signature of leftist thought.
When asked questions about what they've said, which are usually mere slogans without any thought processes behind them (like Bush=Hitler), they have nothing to back themselves up.
First, the supplemental is loaded with pork because the democrats were buying votes (they didn't have enough to ram it through). Second, the supplemental offers a timetable which is a love letter to our enemies that we are ready to give up. Third, this capitulation to our enemies is giving them hope to hang on because their victory is only a matter of time.
Islamists believe that war is deception, that lying for the sake of Islam (al takiyya) is acceptable and even suggested, and that we will tire of the fight.
They're committed to destroying us over generations, and are raising their children from the time they're in diapers to die for the jihad (struggle).
I believe them when they say they want to destroy us; they've made that apparent in Spain, Britain and here in the US. What I don't understand is why leftists don't believe them, and instead do everything in their power to undermine victory on our side.
Because...what is the alternative? Do they really want us to lose? It seems so; the supplemental bill pronounced it!
It follows Tom Hayden's ten steps to get us out of Iraq; which is to cut the funding to our boys in the field. Why should we fight if our government is on its knees in capitulation to terrorism?
When marxists alongside people like Murtha who want our troops to conduct the war from Okinawa, you just have to wonder why so many people are buying into this hogwash. The terrorists aren't going to give up the jihad because we're tired of the fight.
What happened to 'never surrender'? Remember Neville Chamberlain...
Posted by: Cao | April 07, 2007 at 09:33 AM
First off, everyone needs to pay more attention. The "Emergency" war funding bills have ALWAYS been filled with pork (funny that you guys only care about it when you're in the minority). From the *non-partisan* Tax Payers for Common Sense:
2nd, I suppose you guys are all over in Iraq fighting this war? If it's as grave a threat as the President would have us believe, how come he hasn't mobilized the nation and re-instated the draft? It would seem our survival depends upon it, if I'm understanding your hysterical comments. Instead, to my knowledge, he hasn't even been persuasive enough to get anyone in his family (or extended family) to go over to fight.
In fact, the military is bogged down and being severely degraded because their mission in Iraq has dragged on far longer than expected. A link from your side of the blogosphere:
Why don't you guys try backing up your assertions? Conservatives are incredibly weak debaters because they expect people to take their assertions at face value. If you could back them up with actual evidence, you might enjoy more success in persuading people.
Posted by: Billy Joe | April 07, 2007 at 11:19 PM
Hm. A variation of the "chickenhawk" argument. Originality really isn't one of your talents, is it? That straw man is so lame and overused. So, what's your military status? Can you find out what mine is?
Whether the bills have always been laden with pork is neither here nor there. You also haven't been reading ANY of our blogs closely, because we deplore pork in a very bipartisan manner. Yes, I hold Republicans at least as responsible as Democrats, which - if you'd paid attention - you might have suspected from my disparaging reference to them in this post.
And I'm not at all saying that the strategy in this war has been mediocre at best. Not being a military strategist myself, my opinion is pretty simple: our armed forces are trained and equipped to blow up things and kill people. If they hadn't been hamstrung by all the politically-correct BS from our politicians, and if they didn't have to second guess themselves every bloody second on the battlefield, I think the situation would be very different. *IF* the media was in fact as even handed as they claim, our military wouldn't be "guilty until proven innocent" in every story, and the terrorists would receive fair airtime for their atrocities.
Look, Billy Joe, you're not going to change my mind; I'm not going to change yours. Frankly, I don't know anything about you or your background that would persuade me to give you any credibility. When you come on MY blog for debate and discussion and act like an arrogant, supercilious (look it up - a double click on the word will do it) cretin, I'm even less likely to listen to you.
Now, I'm going to go enjoy my Easter. I suggest you do the same.
-- Kat
Posted by: Kat | April 08, 2007 at 04:07 AM