(UPDATE: For all of my posts pertaining to the Pittsylvania Uranium debate, please click here)
I have listed here - all in .pdf format - several documents which will be of interest to those who are investigating the benefits and drawbacks of mining in Pittsylvania County. At the moment, I have not read any of them; I am simply posting them so that concerned citizens may download and examine them.
FULL DISCLOSURE: All .pdf files were provided to me by Virginia Uranium, Inc. Actual links to websites are my own.
I hope that TypePad will accept and hold all of these files, but I don't know how full my disk space is. I am looking around for somewhere I can upload these files for permanent storage, so I can then make sure I have a static and durable place to link to. I have a friend who lives in Louisiana with a business in this general arena, so it may be that he'll be able to host these files along with any others (like video!). If any of my readers have other suggestions, please either e-mail them to me or leave them in the comments - thank you!
I invite all interested parties to download these Adobe Reader files (get it free here), print them out (make sure you have LOTS of paper in your printer!), and discuss them. Just for clarity's sake, please make sure you give full reference information (e.g., document title, page number, paragraph, etc.) in the discussion so that anyone can go to the section you're talking about.
From the Environmental Protection Agency:
- Study on Uranium Mining, Vol 1: Mining and Reclamation Background (.pdf)
- Study on Uranium Mining, Vol 2: Investigation of Potential Health, Geographic, and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines) (.pdf)
- Technical Resource Document: EXTRACTION AND BENEFICIATION OF ORES AND MINERALS, VOLUME 5: Uranium - Mining Waste (.pdf)
A search on "uranium" at the EPA's website brings up over 6,000 articles which mention uranium in some way. Not all of them may be pertinent to the discussion here in Pittsylvania County. ;-)
The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), a Guide to Nuclear Energy (.pdf)
Virginia Coal and Energy Commission, 1985 - Report to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia, Senate Document No. 15 (.pdf)
Uranium Task Force Report, 1984 (.pdf)
SENES Consultants (webpage), ASSESSMENT OF RISK FROM URANIUM MINING IN VIRGINIA, prepared for the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission, 1984 (.pdf)
Response of Marline and Union Carbide to Elizabeth Haskell, member of the Uranium Administrative Group, dated May, 1983 (.pdf) (not certain what it's a response to, but perhaps it's addressed that way because Ms Haskell was the chairwoman of the group?)
Origin of Uranium Mineralization at Coles Hill Virginia (USA) and its Natural Attenuation within an Oxidizing Rock-Soil-Ground Water System, a dissertation by James L. Jerden Jr., of Virginia Tech (website), September, 2001 (.pdf)
Applied Geochemistry (website), Phosphate based immobilization of uranium in an oxidizing bedrock aquifer (.pdf), an article by James L. Jerden Jr.and A.K. Sinha, of Virginia Tech (website)
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