Obama will make history for more than one reason during the Nov 6-9 visit. This will be the first time a teleprompter will be used in the nearly 100-feet high dome-shaped hall that has portraits of eminent national leaders adorning its walls.
Indian politicians are known for making impromptu long speeches and perhaps that is why some parliament officials, who did not wish to be named, sounded rather surprised with the idea of a teleprompter for Obama.
"We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address with his continuous eye contact," an official, who did not wish to be identified because of security restrictions, said.
Obama is known to captivate audiences with his one-liners that sound like extempore and his deep gaze. But few in India know that the US president always carries the teleprompter with him wherever he speaks.
Yeah, well, this is from IndoAsian News service, which apparently also "broke" the "Obama's Trip will Cost $200 million a day!" story (that sucked me in, I admit).
THIS, however, is very credible, considering how awful Obam has proven himself to be when off the teleprompter.
And so TOTUS racks up a few more travel miles... *snicker*
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