I think that Romans 8 is the most glorious, the most freeing, the most comforting, and the most uplifting chapter in the whole Bible (well, for me, anyway!). For ten years and more, Romans 8 is where I go when I need reassurance, when I need to remember God's love, and when I need to be reminded of just why I really do want to forsake sin and obey the infinite, awesome and holy God who loves me and gave Himself for me.
Earlier today, I'd posted on Facebook (via my Android YouVersion app) Romans 8:30 -
Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
This prompted a couple of "likes" and and a comment from a friend, and here is what I replied:
Romans 8 is probably my mostest favoritest in the whole Bible ;-) The picture of God's infinite kindness and mercy in forgiving all who come to Him through His Son is amazing!
And He doesn't just do that, but He also adopts us and gives us the right to call Him Father - DADDY! He promises us that He will work everything out to make it bring forth good things... He promises us that He will bring us to Himself (see the verse quoted above), and He promises that He is FOR US - and so nothing can really be against us.
Most of all, at the end of the chapter, He promises us that NOTHING can separate us from the love He has for us through His Son - nothing created, nothing above or below, no powers of angels or demons - NOTHING can separated us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!
When I meditate on this chapter - and I've returned to it many, MANY times over the past 10 years - it keeps getting deeper and richer and more wonderful to me. I read it and praise the God who made me and who brought me out of darkness and into the glory of His salvation and His kingdom...
I meditate on these words and am astonished that people can refuse this glorious and beautiful eternal gift. How could anyone not see the infinite love that sent Jesus, willingly, to the Cross to die for the sins of His sheep?! How can anyone be told of this marvelous thing and NOT run to God and fling themselves at Him so He can catch us and hold us in His love forever?!
Oh, how I long for God to send His Spirit for the conviction of sin and the resurrection of some particular souls in my life! I know that I need a continual revival in my heart, and I know that I need to live a life of continual repentance and rejoicing in God's great goodness and mercy towards me, but how I long for His blessed and irresistable call to come to... my someone!
Hope is a glorious gift. I hope for the fulfillment of your stated desire, Cat.
Posted by: David | February 01, 2011 at 06:25 PM