Yeah, I know I haven't been posting - but the Democratic (I mean, "DemonRATic") Party candidate for [EDIT2: Yeah, I HATE it when I skip my third editorial scan before I post! Northam is running for LIEUTENANT Gov. *grf* Missing a darned "Lt." and I didn't catch it. Grrrrs@self] Governor in Virginia seems to have set a new nadir for campaigning.
Watch this:
Oh. My. GAWD!!!! I cannot believe this moron is running on "4 out of 10 unplanned pregnancies end in termination - but that's okay"....
Really? It's "OK"?? It's "OK" that babies are "terminated"? It's "OK" that they're killed before they might have a difficult life? It's "OK"?!
However, it's "cruelty" to insist that a woman have an ultrasound and have the abortion procedure completely explained BEFORE she chooses to abort, because she shouldn't be guilted into parenthood??? THAT'S "cruel"????
[EDIT: I should add that this point is particularly hypocritical for Northam. After all, the DemonRATs are all about "empowering" women, right? Well, what could be more empowering than making sure that women have ALL the information they need to make an informed, intelligent decision? But, no! DemonRATs are really all for making sure women are "empowered" only so long as women fall in line and vapidly follow all the directives/actions/opinions hand fed to them by their liberal overlords. Yeah, now there's real empowerment for you!! Dear God in Heaven, I do fear deeply for this country. /EDIT]
Northam and his crew ought to be horsewhipped for this disgusting, amoral, selfish, and depraved view of pregnancy and the unborn - and that's "OK," because I'm truly not sure whether or not these guys have any shred of their God-given conscience left, much less any morals.
This country has a government that as designed to be run by moral people serving moral citizens. Northam ain't it.
Thanks (I think?) to Shaun Kenney over at Bearing Drift.
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