Tuesday I called those terrorists who tortured and murdered our soldiers "barbarians."
However, I'm beginning to wonder who the real barbarians are. When our media and politicians ignore these atrocities and instead focus on the frat-pranks of Abu Gharib, or the country club atmosphere of Gitmo and portray them as torture chambers and our military as murderous thugs...
Well, it makes me wonder.
To my shame, I cannot adequately express my outrage - I descend into incoherency, which is not a good thing. Fortunately, I know of a whole bunch of folks who say it right and say it well, and help me vent vicariously:
Ms. Underestimated has a glorious rant up... somewhere. Oddly enough, her site is down at the moment Seems to be up now! but I'm posting the link in the hopes that her blog will be functional again soon. She has ("had"?) a link to download a .wmv file from a Bill O'Reilly show that was excellent! Glorious, just GLORIOUS!
Next up, but still someone of the first calibre (*heh*), is The Lord of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Emperor Misha I himself. He has two blistering posts; here are samples of the first:
I don't know about you, Andy (I'm not all that familiar with the thought processes and preferences of paramecia), but if I were to have a choice between a pair of panties on my head and what our two soldiers went through, bring on the panties. Then, while still wearing the panties on my head, I'll happily slice off your pecker, gouge your eyes out with a spoon and saw off your head with a rusty pocket knife.
and the follow up:
Allow me to quote from a bit describing what those animals did to our soldiers:
have their hearts cut out, their testicles cut off, their penises cut off and stuffed in their mouths, arms contorted and eyes gouged?
…and that's not mentioning the beheading.
And what do we hear from the puling, pissant, terrorist-supporting MSM? Nothing. They don't even have the courage to describe what those fucking sand lice did, presumably because they don't want us to get angry with the ululating chimps hopping around with rags on their heads, waving their scimitars and committing atrocities that would make Dr. Mengele curl his toes.
What we DO hear is an endless litany about Abu Ghraib, Haditha and the fact that a few of the koranimal insects have killed themselves at Gitmo.
Cry me a fucking river, will you?
The Dread Lord sends me over to Sneakeasy's Joint, who has this to say:
As Mr. Stokely says: We must hunt these dogs down and eradicate them from the face of this earth!
Finally, can we let our military take the gloves off and clean up Iraq?
Do that, and then move on to chasing down Osama, and all the other terrorists, where ever they may be hiding around the world, and to hell with the America Haters, appeasers, and whiners in our country, and in Europe. [...]
Get MAD America!
Appeasement, Political Correctness, and all that other Make Nice with the ( Radical ) Muslims, Anti-American, Anti-Western Civilization, crap, needs to be called the Bullshit that it is.
I heartily agree! I've been quoting Shakespeare from the beginning: "Cry 'Havok!' and let slip the hounds of war!!" Let our military loose from its handcuffs, and allow them to deal in the death and destruction for which we have trained them! They have been cruelly and unnecessarily hobbled, and I daresay the death toll on them would have been much lower if we hadn't been so gentlemanly from the beginning.
Mr Stokely, mentioned above, blogs is frequently quoted at Thunder Run (which is David M's blog), and had advice for his son because of this type of barbarity:
This moment in time takes me back to my last instructions to Mike - don't let them take you alive son, for they will execute you anyway, so go down fighting and take as many as you can with you - I was concerned about him being taken prisoner by these barbaric and cruel assassins who push aside all ethical and moral considerations of human dignity. To slit the throats and then put it on for display is a horror no family should suffer. It is a moment like this that I feel our family is extremely lucky.
What terrible advice that a father has to give his son, because of the barbarians our military battles. I cannot imagine a terrorist mom telling her son the same thing. Rather, she'd probably say, "Ali, make sure when you blow yourself up for Allah that you are in a school yard or a pizzeria or a voting area, so you take as many of those infidels with you as possible." Failing that, of course, these terrorists seek to kidnap, torture and behead (in the most grisly fashion) anyone they can, and post the gruesome details on the net.
Grey Eagle at A Female Soldier has this to say:
Now don't get me wrong, I am not justifying or condoning any action in which our soldiers murdered unarmed innocent Iraqi's. But please, the Italians want to try a Marine for firing on a speeding car approaching a checkpoint. Can anyone count the number of days in which someone didn't turn up beheaded in the streets or rivers of Iraq? And now to treat our soldiers who were taken captive in this way, where is the same cries for justice. I don't see any of these same "in the name of justice" countries calling for the justice of the two soldiers. At what point did it become acceptable for inhumane actions, as long as it was against American forces? [...]
To me, the bottom line is simple. These people have demonstrated their values, their humanity, and their danger to society. There needs to be no more calls for protecting their rights and dignity, to pamper them and treat them as anything more than murderous criminals. There have been despicable individuals tried by the world court for war crimes, who performed less hideous acts than those of the terrorist, and insurgency. So why did it take a U.S. air strike to bring Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to justice. Should not he have been sought after by the world court for the horrific deaths he brought on the world community? Should not the United Nations have been using its resources to hunt down and try him for criminal acts against humanity? I guess it just depends on who you are killing, and if it involves American soldiers, then it is justified.
Yeah. Who cares what happens to the Americans, huh? After all, they're the ones who are the big meanies, right?
She Who WIll Be Obeyed rounds out this little gathering of outrage (and you really need to read the comments, too - there's a real nutcase trolling them) with straightforward ire:
Let's see, we "embarrass" terrorists when questioning them.
The terrorists just cut off body parts of our soldiers and kill them and booby trap bodies.
So . . . the leaders of the world don't say a thing about al Quaida being barbaric, committing torture, ignoring the Geneva Convention. But they are all over the US and want us to bow to the Islamofascists so as not to hurt their feelings..
I say fuck them all.
As you know, I try to shun vulgarity and foul language, but... Yup, exactly.
I sure hope I don't meet up with a liberal politician or "journalist" any time this week...
UPDATE: Beth at Blue Star Chronicles wants us all to send a clear message - and I believe it's a good one.
It’s outrageous that the media and the liberals are strangely silent about it. I heard a lot about the guy in wherever that our Soldiers are accused of killing. I saw pictures of him and pictures of people wailing and carrying-on over his body.
There was a long segment on the network news about that tonight.
Let the American people see what is being done to our Soldiers.
President Bush needs to tell the American people what happened to those Soldiers. He needs to let the people know what we are fighting and quit white-washing the actions of our enemies.
Send a CLEAR MESSAGE to our enemies.
I also think of those boys being accused of murder, being threatened with a death sentence. I almost can’t bear to think of what they are going through.
I saw one of the president’s advisors on TV tonight saying something to the effect that we are more civilized than the enemy and therefore more is expected of us. He said putting our Soldiers on trial for
murder will show the world that we hold them to a higher standard.
That’s all well and good, but lets not use these Soldiers to prove a point.
That’s not the message we need to send.
No. It's not.
We need to send the message that the kid gloves are off, and people better get with the program. If they choose not to clean up and fly straight, well then, they made their bed, they'll have to die in it. The US military needs, as I said, to be released from these absurd restraints, and be permitted to wage war on these monsterous barbarians with every single superior weapon and with every one of our honorable and outraged soldiers.
They want a fight? Let's show them just who the hell is the best, most determined and terrifying military this world has ever seen.
If we do that, I will guarantee you that these pissant little terrorists a) won't last long, and b) won't show their weaselly little faces for a long, LONG time.
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