Dear friends, I have a wonderful blog-brother, Kender MacGowan, who is trying to raise some money so he can come and spend Christmas with me - and maybe pad his bank account a little for medical and living expenses *grinz*
Kender blogs at Kender's Musings, and also has an internet radio show: Young Gun Conservative on Right Talk Radio. He's one of the blogosphere's burrs-under-the-saddle; funny, irreverent, intense and definitely not politically correct. The K-man tells it like he sees it, and has a very low tolerance for liberal idiocy.
Kender is a talented and passionate writer and has two books of poetry published: Shattered Ashen Heart: Poetry For Loves Victims [link updated] and Watering the Tree: Thoughts on Liberty and Tyranny. [UPDATE] Kender also has a THIRD book, The Hunter and the Elf Queen, which I totally brain-dumped on...
Tree has colored illustrations to go with each poem, and the forward is written by the wonderful and awesome Evan Sayet ! [/UPDATE]
To get from California to Virginia, the K-man needs to sell 500 copies of Watering the Tree (although if you ALSO wanted to purchase Ashen Heart, I'm sure he would have no objections, LOL). So I'm asking all my friends to click on the links and buy a copy or two if you like what you see. Plus, if you can, please spread the word to YOUR friends and ask them to do the same.
If you're not interested in the book(s) but want to help out a bit, Kender does have a "Donate" button in the left hand column at Kender's Musings.
So please help out as you are able, because I adore my K-man and really want him to be able to spend Christmas with me!
(crossposted to Virginia Virtucon)
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